Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 3 - The Whole30

Today seemed much better on the eating front.  Though, waking up is still *extremely* difficult.  In fact, I took a protein shake last night with my magnesium powder and fell asleep fine....but, woke up frequently....and did not dream peacefully.

I woke up just as tired as when I went to bed and barely remember the first part of the morning.  I remember certain things, but not in any sort of sequence or duration.  At least I can sleep in a bit tomorrow before my workout.

In general, though, I'm feeling pretty good, though I'm definitely craving a vodka drink.  Nothing sweet, really, just a vodka tonic.  Or a caesar. Anyway....


Breakfast: 2 jumbo brown eggs and 3oz of steak (+2 cups black coffee)

Lunch: Brussels sprouts/cabbage and bacon sauté with 3oz of chicken

Dinner: That fabulous cucumber salad, again, and about 6oz of beef roast from the crock pot.

Naturally, water to drink.

I am considering whip---oh, wait, I forgot to get more bananas.  Won't be making the banana "ice cream" tonight!  But, I will take my protein shake later, likely with my last banana, again.  It's very good and my feet didn't cramp at all in the night! 

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