I didn't log yesterday. Obviously. So here's a recap from yesterday.
Breakfast - Mollet egg, bacon (2 slices), and sautéd Nappa cabbage.
Lunch - I think I skipped it. I was having a very bad emotional day.
Dinner - Chili. It was awesome. The recipe is here.
I had 2 vodka tonics last night and pretty much instantly regretted them. I was kinda nauseated and in pain. I think the coconut milk that went with my banana and magnesium powder curdled or something. Who knows.
Today... I at least ate 3 times. I'm proud of me! But, it was also a training day...so, I should have eaten 4 times. Oh, well.
I don't have any epic stories from the training room today, so you get this one post.
Breakfast - Chicken breast tenderloin & half a sweet potato
Second Breakfast - 2 eggs, and 4 strips of really bad bacon and about 2 cups of coffee
Dinner - SO MUCH FOOD! We made this great salad, these awesome roasted carrots, and these amazing meatballs. This was a masterpiece of taste sensations! And we have a ton of leftover salad (YAY LUNCH TOMORROW).
Drinking water today.
Overall, I'm feeling pretty amazing and I'm starting to see how some foods negatively impact my system. This makes me happy, too. Not thrilled that I need to rid myself of Vodka (unless I can drink the more expensive gluten free vodka), but maybe I'll be able to drink my wine. I do like a dry white.
Every girl dreams of being a princess. And every geeky girl dreams of being a super heroine. Wonder Woman happens to be a princess AND a super hero! Win-Win! Once the world comes around, they will see that I, too, am a princess...and I strive to be someone's hero every day. This blog is a journey of health and fitness--and maybe will serve as the inspiration someone else needs to live their dream.
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