Monday, February 18, 2013

Orccon2013 Wrap Up - The Whole 30


Holy crap!  Okay, so we remember back to Thursday when I was up til 2am, cooking.  It was so worth it.  The scotch eggs were perfect; the chili, miraculous; the chicken salad, awesome; the bacon bowls totally non-functional (but delicious!) and the pork roast amazing!

So, here was my weekend... in a recappy kinda fashion...


We got to the con right around 11:30...which was good because minor crises were going on and Ken and I were the deflectors of disasters (or, at least, I like to say we were).  I was trying to knit for the afternoon, but that didn't work because I have too many friends I only see three times a year and I like to socialize.  I honestly don't remember what we grabbed for food on Friday.  I think I had a scotch egg for lunch and I remember Ken brought me some fruit and a grilled chicken breast for dinner.  I was going to play a game at 8pm that night, but was talked into running a Pathfinder game, instead.  It was interesting...that's a good word for it.  There was a player that made me question the state and future of humanity, but I didn't think much of wrong I was to not do so...


This was Daphne day.  And Daphne was a smashing hit.  I had a ton of people tell me I was spot-on for her, too (which made me feel awesome).  I had another scotch egg, tons of fruit, some chicken salad, bacon...and this was chili night.  I ran a session of Pathfinder as Daphne and it was awesome because I had two kids at my table.  They were twitterpated to be playing with Daphne Blake!  This is part of why I cosplay.


This was Velma day.  I, apparently, was an amazing Velma.  I also was unrecognizable as myself to even the staff who knew I was going to be dressing up as Velma.  Many of them questioned who I was.  I, again, had a scotch egg, bacon, chicken salad, fruit, etc throughout the day.  This was the slow-cooker pork day and it was mouth-gasmly awesome; especially with the salad.  We forgot garlic and it was still delicious.  I picked up a stalker this day, however; that's never awesome.


I had a scotch egg for breakfast and some bacon for lunch.  Since it was load-out day, we just went to dinner.  I had a burger with grilled onions and hot peppers (no bun, no cheese) and rather vapid steamed veggies.  And a glass of wine.  Because I played in a session today with that guy from Friday.  The one that made me question humanity.  I wanted to stab him with my pencil, so I rolled vs. Willpower and just said I needed to step away from the table for a few minutes.  Fortunately, we were nearly done with the scenario, so his death wasn't as imminent as it probably should have been.

I admit it.  We went straight to BevMo and got two bottles of the Cabernet I had with dinner.  I'll be on my second glass here after I finish this blog.  I now remember why I drink at conventions....

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