Tuesday, July 31, 2012

End of Month Review: New Findings

Aside from not posting much during July (okay, not posting at all), there are some things that I have discovered (some very recently).

Let me reiterate that I did not start up this diet for "healthy living" reasons alone.  I started up this diet because I have an intolerance to gluten and am not really interested in being tested for full-blown Celiacs.  I just don't want to know (this is primarily why the diet cannot be considered "for healthy living").

I sort of fell out of cooking for the past month or so.  We've eaten a lot of fast food, processed foods, and junk foods--and it's made a HUGE, negative, difference.  Just eating gluten free isn't enough to help with weight loss or maintaining weight.  At least not for me.  I actually gained a little weight and put on a couple of inches--NOT COOL!

Yesterday, I saw a blog post about gluten-free diets and the supplements needed to make them really work.  This blog entry talks about the importance of Vitamin D for a Celiac.  I know I don't know if I'm full blown celiac or not, but I do know I don't get enough Vitamin D...I'm a red head, I burn to a crisp in 15 minutes.  

That blog series, actually, has made me look at my health and nutrition in a new light.  I really do need to take better care of what I'm putting into my body.  I drink sodas infrequently--and usually, only as mixers.  I drink carbonated water (La Croix brand, usually) for my "bubbly" fix.  I need to get back to the Type O diet for health and weight loss.  ...and that's why I keep this blog--to keep myself accountable and to share the discoveries with those of you who may be considering the blood type diet or for those struggling with gluten-free living.