Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 11 - The Whole30 Program

I totally forgot to do my recap from yesterday, so I shall do that below.  I will chalk the forgetfulness up to the pinched finger and the bruises on my rib cage.  It is always easier to blame injuries than to just admit to failure.

Results, not excuses!

...and I'm getting results.  Seriously.  I know I said I wasn't going to weigh in, but I have no willpower, like, at all, when it comes to the scale.  So, I weighed in yesterday.


That's almost 10lbs in less than 2 weeks.  This is inspiring to me, so I'm glad I did it.  I'd like to lose another 10lbs by the end of this challenge.  That would put me right around 150-155lbs which, I think, would be a very good weight for me.  Realistic goal.  Now, that doesn't mean that I won't try to lose more fat and see if I can drop that number to 140, but the more I work out and get stronger, the more I realize my once-set-in-stone goal of 130lbs is unrealistic for me.  I'd love to LOOK 130lbs, but, really... no.  Too thin, given what I lift.



Breakfast: Sweet potato, 2 scrambled eggs

Lunch: 4 egg omelette with peppers, diced ham, salsa, and avocados, and hashbrowns (we went to a restaurant...and I'm sure there was butter in the hashbrowns because...intestinal distress.  All I'm gonna say)

Dinner: Crispy Spiced Chicken Livers and squash with bacon.  This is what it looked like: 

Hungry yet?  GO EAT!

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