Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 7 - The Whole 30

It's been a week.   The last couple days have been eating challenges, but, I've done okay.  Just really craving a soda or a vodka tonic or even margarita right now.

It was an emotional day...as was yesterday.  In short, eating wasn't high on my priority list.  If you read my "Tales from the Gym" from today, you probably have an idea of how my day was going.  It didn't get better.

Plus, new chiro today.  Unexpected paperwork and exam with X-Rays accompanied by a new diagnosis and treatment that I don't like. He said I had a compressed disc in my low back... I'll believe him, but I still don't like the treatment.

Anyway.  I only ate twice today...I know, bad.  I wasn't expecting dinner to be at 9:45pm, either, but that came with the unexpected exam and paperwork.

Breakfast: Sautéd Napa cabbage, a chicken hot sausage, and 3 mollet eggs

Dinner: Sautéd yellow and green squash with peppered bacon and chicken breast.  I had an extra serving of this to double as a lunch/dinner thing.  I gave it five minutes in between, so it was totally two meals, right?

I will definitely take that coconut milk+Magnesium+fruit concoction tonight before bed.  I desperately need the stress relief. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job Kryssie! I solved the vodka tonic craving with diet tonic water and diet cranberry tonight. Thanks for the inspiration!
