Thursday, June 28, 2012

Month End Review - June

Aside from attempting to set my kitchen on fire whilst making lamb chops and then ripping the door knob off our front door, this month has been relatively uneventful in the kitchen.  Some great food and recipes made, naturally, but I've already shared those. :-)

It was fun at the chiropractor's yesterday.  My regular chiro is on vacation, so the "vacation doctor" was in.  I've been having issues recently with muscle cramps and knots (a life long problem that probably is fibromyalga, but I don't want that in my medical records) and after he adjusted my right knee, I got a charlie horse in the arch of my right foot.  Then my neck wouldn't adjust smoothly...  It was a very painful adjustment, let's just say.  Anyway, he asked how my diet was and for the first time in, well, ever, I was able to say, "It's amazing!"  He looked at me in somewhat of disbelief, then I told him about the Blood Type Diet. I said, "I'm Type O, so my diet is mostly protein and veggies.  I've been eating like that for about two months now.  Love it!"  He nodded and considered and then wrote something in my file.  I didn't bother to read it; I probably wouldn't have been able to decipher his writing, anyway.

At the end of this month, I can honestly say that I feel amazing.  Greasy foods no longer settle well in my stomach; I have fewer junk food cravings (my down fall will be potato chips); my water in take has increased exponentially; and my cooking skills have become incredible.  I work out at Curves (doing the circuit) 4 times a week and do Zumba on Saturdays (or, if Zumba's cancelled, I do the circuit) and I do yoga or bike ride or something 2 times a week.  My results have been pretty good--inches are melting away. :-)  I will post the weigh-in and measurement results when I get them next week.

Happy eats!

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