Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Whole30 - Day 1

Today is day 1 of my Whole30 Program, so I figured I should probably do a "before" journey chart so that in 30 days, we can see progress, ja?  So!  Here it goes....

Approximate Weight: 170# (+/- 2lbs)
Measurements (dear lord, I hate these)...

Bust: 39" (this does not budge, sadly... Thanks, Mom).
Waist: 33.5"
Hips: 40"

Approximate Dress Size: 12

I'll update this later this evening once I have a progress shot taken.  I'd list BF% but the wonderful BF scale I have insists I have more body fat than Ken (which I so totally don't).  I have yet to get a set of calipers, but they're on my list.

Other health issues:

ADH--ooooh, sparkly!
Muscle cramps/aches
Joint pain
Sleep disorders (mostly insomnia)
Blood sugar issues
Allergies (seasonal & food)
Poor body image

The goal is to ease any of those issues (especially the anxiety, depression, and poor body image).  I'd like to lose body fat, so we'll see how that goes.  I do heavy lifting 3x's week (which I think I mentioned previously), so we'll see!  This is the only time I am allowing myself to take weight & measurements before March 1.

My goal is to update this blog every day with a recap of the food I've eaten and how I'm feeling, etc.  The 15-18 of February is a gaming convention, so I won't be able to necessarily update over the weekend, but I will recap that weekend and how it went.  So far, I have breakfasts and lunches planned.  Not sure about dinners, yet.

Since I'll be updating this later, I'll throw the recap of today in there, as well.

So, that's me.  I'd like there to be less of me by the end of this, but... whateve's. :)

Breakfast: 2 jumbo brown eggs with shrimp, cup of tea with coconut creamer

Lunch: Baby arugala with broccoli, carrots, snow peas, and grilled chicken, seasoned with olive oil and salt/pepper.

Dinner: Liver, steamed brussels sprouts with garlic & rosemary, and roasted tomatoes stuffed with homemade Paleo pesto (basil, mint, olive oil, garlic, macadamias).  

Water to drink... tea with dinner.

NOT HUNGRY AT ALL, HOLY CARP TOO MUCH FOOD... >_>  I'd like a vodka tonic, though.  I somehow doubt this craving will go away.

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