In the past month, I've had more compliments on my skin and my (ever evolving) body composition. Moreso than when I was a very slim 130lbs, fresh out of college. I currently tip the scales at 165lbs (give or take, depending on time of day and time of month...bills always through me for a loop!), but I'm losing inches at an impressive rate. In the last month, alone, I've lost nearly 7" from my body. As a friend of mine says, "You can lose weight, or you can lose inches. You can't do both at the same time." I'll take the inches, thank you!
Back to the skin thing. I sell Avon. I use the products, too--specifically, the ANEW(R) Rejuvenate skin care line. But, more than just a topical solution, I've changed what I put into my body. I drink less coffee and more tea (black, with cream and stevia); I drink a lot of water; I drink very little soda--and usually only mixed with Rum or Vodka! I work out 4-6 times a week for at least 30 minutes. I try to burn 500 calories, daily. I work hard so I can play harder. It all pays off. Yes, the Rejuvenate evened out my skin tone and eliminated a good deal of the acne problem I was having, but my lifestyle choices have helped with the rest.
I knew when I started the gluten-free thing, it was going to take adjusting and getting used to. It wasn't a fad diet--it was a lifestyle change. I was going to have to cut out things I loved and find alternatives to fill that void and I've been pretty successful. There is a plethora of resources out there for gluten-free living. One of my favorites was and still is Karina's Gluten-Free Goddess. She has recipes and gives reasons for why some things work and some things don't. There are other sites, but I always went to her first.
At the beginning of May, I went a step further and decided I wanted to make another lifestyle change and go for the Type O diet plan. The biggest part of it was eliminating wheat gluten, so I was already mostly there. A few further adjustments and, viola! I feel wonderful because I'm putting good food into my body and my body is healing itself. I still eat fast food, occasionally; I still devour marshmallows, en masse. I still drink alcohol and beer--gluten free beer! But it's the healthy life choices I've made that give me the confidence to walk around in belly shirts; it's the healthy life choices I've made that give me the luxury of not having to wear liquid foundation; it's the life choices I've made that empower me to be the best me I can be.
If you're looking to lose weight and, literally, transform your life then look into the genome diet. If you just want a quick way to shed some pounds, look into the Master Cleanse. I lost 20lbs in ten days on that thing. Make a healthy choice--be happier, live better.
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