Monday, June 11, 2012

Exercising + Diet = Results

As a Type O person, according to Dr. D'Adamo, I would thrive with vigorous exercise--like aerobics or running, vertical climbing, ect.  I have found that if I do 30 minutes of vigorous exercise on a daily basis, I feel healthier, I feel stronger, more focused (which is to say my brain actually thinks of productive things rather than wondering why the sky is blue) and more energetic.  Basically, the breakdown of exercises by blood type are as follows:

Type O: challenging physical activity (aerobics, cardio-kickboxing, walking/running, biking, weight lifting, etc)
Type A: meditative exercises/breathing exercises (yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc)
Type B: mentally/physically challenging exercises (group classes, cycling, tennis, martial arts, etc)
Type AB: combo workouts--3 days of physically challenging exercise; 2 days of meditative exercise.

Exercise is important, not just for your muscles and weight loss, but also for helping to deal with stress.  The above concepts do not in any way mean that if you're a Type A, you can't do aerobics or if you're Type O, you can't do yoga.  Not true!  It simply means that these are the ideals for you to handle stress in your life.  When I am angry or frustrated, I really like to go for a jog (or, brisk walk, who am I kidding?!) to "cool off" so to speak.  But, I  love the centering aspect of yoga (which is perfect for when I have an injury and can't do my regular workouts--or I'm on vacation without a gym in sight).

With the Blood Type diet, the word "diet" isn't used in the way we use it.  Yes, weight loss will occur--it's what happens when you start eating properly--but, it's actually referring to your diet, or your nutrition and exercise.  If you want to see results, you have to put in the work.  It's not enough to just eat only certain foods; you have to add in the exercise to truly transform yourself into a better you.

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